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DeVices_Series is an online event that holds every year on social media platforms. It is focused on social vices affecting the country and world at large.
It's aim is Enlightenment through art. 
Our art.
It could be in whatever form of art, but as far as it can pass the message, spread the word on a particular theme for the year.
The series has been on for two years and counting.. 
Last year's own was Prostitution; the profession. 
The first ever was Molestation; the society child. 
Each of which was successful and had massive impact.
 This year, we're bringing Gender Inequality; Organ Wars, as the theme.

And gender Inequality is focused on enlightening the public on the wars and discrimination going on between genders secretly and openly.
Our aim is not towards Equality as that by different standards may not be achievable, so we campaign for gender equity.

We may not be the first, and the movement may not be new, but we hope to impact the world from our own screens. One step at a time.

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Official Boardspeck

Official Boardspeck Account