52 articles

May 08, 2020

Participant 4

God is a Woman
Oh Yes, He is also a man
Yes, we all were created equally, in the image of the creator
So who art thou to call yourself superior?

Some are wronged because they're women, that's evil
Others are wrong because they're men, that's also evil
With two stories I'll explain the above assertion
Stay tuned, think critically but pay attention

First story, Against women...

Man:  Ma'am May I have your CV please?
Woman:  Here it is Sir, you may have it please!
Man:  "Thank you, you may sit
Let me access the things in it

Wow, young lady, you've got an amazing profile
I'm impressed by the achievements listed in this file
But then, please forgive this company
We can't employ you, the position is too big for a Lady

But then wait, there could be another way
Meet me at sun shine hotels by 7:00PM today
If by then, you submit to my terms and conditions
Then I'll take you as my secretary or for other smaller positions..."

The above happenings, I condemn in totality
Yes, every gender should be treated fairly with equality
Both genders should be given equal opportunities
And equal treatment to both parties with equal abilities.

No one should be rejected because of gender
Rather, considerations should be what each person has to offer
There should be equal distribution of resources
And equal Representation of the masses

But then...

Women ask for gender equality
Yet they refuse equality in totality 
It's no Crime for women to beat men
But they still say no Jail term or hard labour on women

Second Story, Against Men...

Imagine a war of words starts
The wife starts boxing, but the man avoids the fight
She keeps blowing, Gbaaam... The man slaps his wife
She retaliates, they fight and he beats hell out of her life

Now the Court says a man shouldn't beat a woman, they charge only him guilty
Oh, only women should beat men right?, Is that gender equality?
So women now use "gender equality" to get a better treatment
And we men now face the detriment

Now every hard labour is pushed to men
Every rape case, even love proposals still fall on men
Oh, my dear women, what wrong did men do?
Why not share this sufferings between you too?

Of course you'll refuse equality in suffering or hard labour in jail
You'll stage the excuse that you're a weaker cell
But dear, all fingers ain't equal, so equality isn't possible
Rather, propose equity, at least for once be humble

If you critically examine what people call gender equality
In truth, it is really gender Equity
Gender Equity gives equality through Justice
Gender Equity will satisfy us all and still maintain peace

So we all should preach gender Equity
Read my lips, I repeat, gender Equity
Equity is divine and just in every situation
Equity gives fair and actually "equal" distribution.


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52 articles

May 08, 2020



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