50 articles

May 16, 2020

Participant 18 and 19

Dear God(Basil)
Yesterday semfon came into my room, she took my black jeans and wore it proudly to the park. Everyone hailed and hooted, the guys called her "sweet thing" and kept offering her rides🙄. Today I took her skirt and wore it to the mall, everyone looked at me like I'd gone mad and the guys beat me up till I thought I would die.

Dear God (semfon)
I feel all women come from a race of masochist. We're not allowed to do what we want because we're dickless. Mum let Basil play football with the guys downtown and didn't complain when he came home really late and dead drunk last night, but when she saw me drinking a glass of whiskey, she scolded me and swiped her palms across my cheek while calling me 'way ward'.

Dear God (Basil)
When Semfon got cheated on by Sam, mum consoled her and Dad wanted to beat him up. They made sure she had everything she wanted because she was "hurt". But when Teni broke up with me,mum didn't do anything and Dad told me to 'suck it up' like a man, and though I was hurt I had to push it down like a man. The guy at the club charged me #3000 to get a drink at the VIP section of the bar, while he let her in with no charge, cos she was a girl.

Dear God (semfon)
Why won't you listen to me? Sam cheated on me and no one said anything even when they knew about it, but when I kissed James, everyone had something to say about the abomination. I wasn't allowed to say anything but everyone listened to Sam's woe tales of hurt and betrayal. Mum even said I was supposed to ignore Sam's cheating because he was a man and he was in charge. Dear God, if you really love me, please make me a guy (even just for a day).

And so while supplications and complaints were made to the Almighty, each actor complaining about their role in this play, he looked down in pity but for his amusement and to their detriment, honoured their wishes. Genders were switched, roles were swapped, each soul left to 'enjoy' what the other had 'enjoyed'. The fantasy slowly became a nightmare and reality began it's tedious crawl into their reasoning. Soon their wishes became a distant dream that hopefully would never come true and when I asked the Almighty why it was so, he said to me: 
"It's the wearer of the shoe that knows where it hurts. You would never know what an actor go through until you take up his role".
Now they realized, that each role had it's ups and downs but the actor knows how to keep playing his role perfectly.

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50 articles

May 16, 2020



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