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Content Workgroup is open to contents that educates or shed lights to Nigerians about the ongoing Anti Police Brutality Campaign. 

1. Content must not incite or instigate citizens to harm, harass, destroy or victimise anyone or anything in the country
2. Content must express within the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

3. Content must not target a group, ethic or religion.

4. All forms of abusive of derogatory statements is not allowed as work-group is solely for the purpose of education of the Nigerians about matters arising.

Subject to our decision, we may take down any post that violates the above rules without prior notice to such author.
Subject to our decision, we may suspend any user that violates the rules above without prior notice or any form of apology afterwards.

Joining this Workgroup means that you agree to all terms above. 

Created By

Official Boardspeck

Official Boardspeck Account