17 articles

February 25, 2019

The content of my character is my CHOICE; 
Day by day _ what I CHOOSE _ what I THINK, and what I DO _ is who I BECOME; 
When I lose all sense of SELF _ the bonds of a thousand chains will VANISH; 
Life told me to lose myself completely and return to the ROOT of the ROOT of my SOUL; 
The root of my CORE BEING _ it's the first step to a FRESH beginning; 
I sighed; 
Life smiled ☺ and asked; 
Do you know I'm a FLUTE; I have many HOLES and EMPTINESS _ but if u work on me carefully _ you'll play MAGICAL MELODIES; 
Confused 😕 I asked; 
Why are you like this??? 
What do I need to do??? He said; 
From a place of self APPRECIATION _ you'll attract WONDERFUL things; 
From a centered place of liking YOURSELF _ you'll allow all wonderful things to come to you; 
The SELF relationship is the most important RELATIONSHIP and it's the basis of other RELATIONSHIPS; 
To change your life _ you need to change your PRIORITIES. 
                                           Â© ej_oluwaseun

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17 articles

February 25, 2019

