14 articles
April 29, 2020
Games are just simply simulated stages of trivial or none trivial challenges or not simulated.
Naturally, as humans, we have an inborn mechanism for solving challenges which is why we are here today. It all started with getting hungry to hunting for food, to making weapons to hunt, then the roasting of games(meat), and finally to connecting millions of in the world together.
In essence, we could thank challenges for civilization.
Games just simply make humans better at solving challenges. From asking trivial brain teaser to playing advanced games like monopoly, GOD of war.
Gaming gives humans a though process, make us think outside the box, create strategies, find our strengths and weaknesses.
FIFA is a simulation of real-life soccer played by boys and girls of different races and colors.
Before playing the first thing is to choose teams, most especially a team you see fit to be able to beat your opponent. If you don't know your opponent's capability, you will either A) pick a less strong team than your usual to test your opponent's ability or B) pick a stronger team to show your strength. Well, either of the goals is to win.
From the above, we can see how games help improve strategy.
During the match, you can decide to keep possession of the ball till you get an opening to score or defend and use counter-attack when there is an opening. If your players are tall, you can use cross and nod technique but the objective is to score as many goals as possible to attain your goal which is to win.
Games are not only for kids, they are for everyone, but gaming does also not only help us with problem-solving, but they also help us relax when we are stressed or when we are stuck with a job task. Playing games will take your mind off difficult and complex real-life problems, reorganize your thought, and when you get back to your task, you will be having a reorganized though to work.
Games!= childishness
If you are really good at games, chances Are there that you will be good at solving problems.