25 articles
March 18, 2020
Couples of weeks ago, I wrote a quote on my status that says,
"Don't get into the fields or farms of life struggling and competing for food with your food".
Thereafter, I noticed the complicatedness to some people through series of questions that was posed to me...
So I have deemed it fit to portray the writer's intended meaning today.
Let me start by laying a good premise for learning with a brief story of a local poultry farmer.
Mr. Agbabiaka was an experienced local farmer in poultry farming and his more than enough experience in the filed has made him consultant to many farming companies around the world.
In the process of farming on a fateful day, he suddenly found an eaglet wandering around in the farm, then he caress it with much passion to breed her. So, He decided to breed the eaglet with his chickens.
On the long run, Mr Agbabiaka feed and raised both the chickens and the eaglet together till they were fully grown even the chickens to the reproduction stage.
One day, Mr Agbabiaka was invited for a Farmer's conference outside the country and he left some meal behind for his small boy to feed both the eagle, the chickens and their chicks with the aim that he'll be returning home in few days.
But unfortunately, the journey took Mr Agbabiaka up to a month before he returned home and the eagle was reportedly dead of hunger.😢😢😢
Now judge, who is responsible for the death of the eagle? 🤔🤔🤔
The farmer of course!
Oh no! Its the boy...
Humm, cool answers from a different view. But as a matter of fact, none of the above persons wasn't responsible for her death.
They were just an agent or better still, a catalyst.
Because naturally, even though We (Man) have dominion over every living creatures, it is not expected of an eagle to stay and live as low as that eaglet. The sky should only be her limiting factor to live higher.
The eaglet was responsible for her own death because, even though situations warranted her to live as low as that, corns, crumbs, etc... are never her food.
Her foods are the chicks she's competing to feed with!
However, as there are morals to learn in the story, I'd like to say this in a simpler way so as to save enough space and time for the writer's intended meaning of the story that, "No man, no one, regardless of the relationship is responsible for whatever that happens to you".
Now, In some other climes, we see it as a disadvantage and nothing to reckon with which forms the why we have decided not rise up to challenge the situation and move beyond this wrong perception about our identity.
Listen, don't ever allow the density of your situation to dent or make you forget your identity!
Like I said to a friend days ago that, "some people in life will not treat you the way you like but the way they do, it is then your duty to command the kind of treatment you deserve.
You're are a great being meant and expected to be sitting with great people!
However, the basic problem we have is that we have allowed the external world and our presumed state to dictate our attitudes instead of focusing on dignifying our identity
We have really engulfed ourselves in self- pity for long that our inner strengths and identity become undermined. Which has blindfolded us that we failed to see the treasures and wealth locked up in that situation.
Obviously, that is the very reason we often have a low self- esteem of ourselves.
Gradually, we began not viewing ourselves from the perspective of the Creator but rather from that of men. And this is because we have developed a dysfunctional perception about our identity.
You lost your true identity if being into competition is to compete for food with your food.
We're meant to be different in your thinking and by doing so, we must start to calling out the best in our situation and not the beast in it.
Situations are not the reason for our limitation and retrogression neither is it a reason for our complacency.
Our limitedness is not because of the density of situations but because of our identity indignity.
The creator beckon to us to know that our situations cannot dent our identity. But rather, we must go on an adventure of knowing who we are.
Therefore, don't lose your focus by treating yourself like that eaglet that was raised with chickens... Avoid competition even though situations will warrant you to do so!
Know what you're really after in that situation and not what is after you. (competition)
Note this;
The process of identification and dignifying is never easily welcomed by everybody around you, they may tend to say, you're rude, lippy, and proud...
Sometimes, they say all that solely because their explanations of whom you really are doesn't matter as who you think you are and whom you really ought to be.
Define Yourself don't let them do that for you! You don't need the approval of any man before you can define yourself. Their opinion is never your reality!
They want you to be who the feel you should be, not who you really ought to be... Though there is a place of mentorship but yet, they are never the definer of Yourself.
Therefore, in every situations, do well as by calling out the best in every situation/moment and not the beast in it.
Lastly, take this to heart, "don't compromise that your reasonable standard for anything that doesn't worth it".
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25 articles
March 18, 2020