6 articles
July 18, 2019
Have you ever been to a bioscope,
where children catch fun.
Where you don't need a microscope,
for all scene will be seen.
Have you ever seen a Bioscope?
showing brightness of a moving image.
Happiness in the children--
growing taller than the tallest mountain.
Have you ever been to Bioscope?
a theatre in South-Africa.
where moving images are shown,
on a projected screen.
Have you ever saved money--
to see the projector,
projecting a moving image?
Which calms tension and time.
Have you ever been to Bioscope?
where you don't need microscope--
That even the microscopic actor,
is viewed with the help of the projector.
Have you been to that place?
where children forget lunch,
Just to feel pleasure.
By Victor. A