1 articles
August 07, 2019
Dearest friend and most cherish one, greetings to you and all around you. Writing is a man from the Eastern part of Nigeria. The one some people address as ‘being cunning, while some address me as `being good'. Though I chose to be identified with first adjective because I know that’s really who I am. NO MAN IS GOOD… I have heard of the problems and heart breaks you encountered in the hands of friends and others who seem to be near you, they came to perform their duty just as you’re doing yours and am just doing mine. This is why I decided to write to you in this format. I’m a boy who once believed in the word called LOVE. A boy who does give out all that his parents gave him to his siblings and goes at the back doors crying because HE CAN’T SAY NO TO THE SIBLINGS. A boy who was punished severally for an offence he never committed just because I WAS INVOLVED. I had ‘making friends’ as a hobby then. I made friends who took advantage of my CARE to them, too ambitious, they had no other option than to backbite A FRIEND. I had a friend who was good in the football game. I, not being good in that, went on to developing myself and building the walls behind my game so strong because I know that THERE LIES MY HAPPINESS. But my friend seeing this, got ambitious and wanting to be part of my own game, requested that I tutor him, which I did. But he didn’t do so well because he wanted to compete with ME who has being in the game for THREE (3) YEARS. I once met a friend whom I can’t ‘do without’ but now, ‘being without’ is the best option. Initially, I termed them WICKED, HEARTLESS AND SENSELESS because I never had the slightest idea that they were busy running their businesses and using me as a LADDER towards achieving their aim. But now I can say, they are INTELLIGENT but lacking WISDOM because they didn’t realize that YOU OUGHT TO BE GOOD TO THOSE YOU MET WHILE MOVING UP BECAUSE CERTAINLY YOU WILL MEET THEM ON YOUR WAY DOWN. THE WORLD IS TOO SMALL TO MAKE ENEMIES. TO HAVE WHAT YOU NEVER HAD, YOU MUST DO WHAT YOU’VE NEVER DONE. Amidst all these trials and temptations, I made a resolution on a hot afternoon though under a Mango tree. That resolution was that I ought to be A MAN OF MY OWN SELF. A man who can STAY and stay HAPPILY with or without….A man who can’t COMPROMISE HIS PRINCIPLES. All these resulted to me having a new identity. SORRY THE IDENTITY IS CONFIDENTIAL. Dear friend, am saying all these because I know you’re experiencing all that I’ve experienced, but just bear the following in mind.
1. No one has the right to seize your happiness.
2. Happiness is personal.
3. You are unique.
4. Everything happens for good.
5. Trust your friends even if they don’t.
6. Never tell friends all you know.
7. Prove them wrong.
8. Pray for the “good†but be ready for the “not good.â€
9. Never envy others.
10. Study the rules behind your game and play it well.
11. Know you can.
12. Always remember that THERE IS GOD.
The world is a free world but with so much responsibilities beneath. Strive for the best. Let bygones be bygones. Know that YOU AND ONLY YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY. But most especially, never be a ROBOT that people should PREDICT your ACTIONS. Lest I forget, I noticed your absence for a while now. That‘s a great step towards getting a new identity. In your silence, think of the best identity to take. Greet your little friend for me that I, from an unknown kingdom care.
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1 articles
August 07, 2019