3 articles

September 03, 2018

Ordinarily, nature is ascertain as naturalistic things around us but the term "nature" goes way beyond this popular thoughts.

According to the English dictionary, nature can be ascertain to be the innate characteristics  of a thing or what something will tend by its own constitution, to be or do, distinct from what might be expected or intended.  Nature can also be described as the summary of everything that has to do with biological, chemical and  physical states and events in the physical universe.

Something relevant and similar in these definitions is that nature is a terminology that happens base on necessity and natural life events.  

It has come to my understanding that whatever happens in life is controlled and wheeled by nature. People find this very easy to believe but difficult to understand.   Whenever the cause of nature comes around,we all tend to believe its nature but never understood why it happened. Although,nobody can understand the will of nature but i'll like us to remember the law of "karma"which is also the law of nature which states that "what goes around comes around"

Even after when we already know the result and outcome of somethings we do, we still rush all blames on nature when its actually our doing. 

Of course,nature cause happens accidentally but we should always be careful on how to control it instead of cursing and lamenting. It is nature,

Who can hold it? 

Who can jail it?  

 Who can blame it?

We all are part of this phenomenon, nature can be harsh, wicked, kind, brutal, merciful e.t.c.

 It works in whatever way that pleases but whichever one it gives will always be acceptable by the naturals(living things)    In conclusion, the cause is just and natural, so I urge people to always learn how to control the happenings after the cause of nature has taken place rather than cursing it. 


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3 articles

September 03, 2018

