3 articles

September 14, 2018

Future, ordinary as it may seem, has a greater impact in human growth and progress. Literally, it means "the time ahead; those moments yet to be experienced" or can be simply described as something that will happen in moments yet to come.    Future has become the greatest fear of man from the onset as it is set to determine the best moment of their existence on earth.

Basically, it also has the power to change a man's story entirely from what it was or what it should be. There is also another of its kind which is "THE PRESENT ". Historically, no man has been able to get to the future without the present but what you do in the present does not determine  the future. The present can always be controlled but the future will never bypass the law of nature which says "whatever a man soweth, he shall reap".  Man is not always scared of the present because its ways can still be curbed but the future is fixed and the outcome is everlasting.  Apparently, life has been bed of roses for few people who had the luck from birth till death but for most, its not the same. The joy of the present is good and nice but the joy of the future is more blissful if properly planned. Of course, a proper planning is required to gain a proper future. So, man has always succeeded in planning in order to be successful in the future. There are so many people in the world who can't boast of their present but have strong believe in the future.      However, nobody can have a future without first having a present situation but the future is more important than the present because its the best part of our life and existence on earth. A good future is guaranteed and secured to those who work diligently for it.  It is clear that every right thinking average human being will prefer a good future to a bad one. 

Even if a man is to be addressed, he'll be addressed as a man with future, nobody can ever address one as a man with present.  

In conclusion,a good future is best acquired with a good present but most times, man joke with the present and tend to become serious with the future afterwards where by the future can also be identified as the late days of ones life.  

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3 articles

September 14, 2018



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